Home > Artworks > Noemi Alicia Castro

Photo of Noemi Alicia Castro Argentina
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There is in the artist's work a real explosion Argentina plastic, with a great ability to penetrate the psyche of the observer and therefore the possibility of directing his contemplation to explore areas with which the artist painting the picture organized in a perfect distribution values and a hard, steady and accurate balance of complementary.

And then the symbols. These arise...

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23.62 x 15.75 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
98.43 x 78.74 in

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There is in the artist's work a real explosion Argentina plastic, with a great ability to penetrate the psyche of the observer and therefore the possibility of directing his contemplation to explore areas with which the artist painting the picture organized in a perfect distribution values and a hard, steady and accurate balance of complementary.

And then the symbols. These arise plasmandos brush in color and so gifted, driven by inconsciete with extraordinary vitality, as if they could be contained inside.

We are undoubtedly at a painting of concern given the levels that move the viewer in Honduras and purely pictorial values that appeals to This


An amazing ability to create images, underscored by the extraordinary facility for the development of a continuous line of successive addresses without a break, cause paint Naomi Castro holds a formal structure that gives you the solid foundation for a dialogue colouristic commonly encountered in the totally opposite colors, giving, and his work an expressive force of great intensity.

RENE Daucourt


Born in Buenos Aires in 1950, graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes M. Belgrano and B. Arts P. Pueyrredón.

He teaches Middle School in the Province of Buenos Aires and the primary branch C. Federal, always in specialties related to the plastic. Serves as Deputy Director of a polytechnic school in the Province of Buenos Aires until 2007

He has published his work his work in Latin American Visual Arts Yearbook 1984


He exhibited in Buenos Aires since 1966 with solo and group exhibitions

Lucence Center Gallery 1966

Art Room 1982 La mia Città

Home Art Gallery Workers 1987

Exhibition hall of the Municipality of Avellaneda "Faure R." 1999

Teatro Roma. Hall meetings. Avellaneda 2005

Room Exhibitions IOSEA Hotel - Cosquín 2005


In Spain, S. Exhibition Culture Del. 1980 Pontevedra

XIII Latin American Directory Collective Exhibition of Plastic Arts BS. AS. 1984

May Vigo.Galeria Argentia in Art "Abracadacra" 1988

Banco de Bilbao Board (sponsored by the Argentine Consulate in Vigo) 1988

S. Diputación de Pontevedra (auspic. by the Argentine Consulate in Vigo) 1988

In Buenos Aires: XV Salon of Plastic Arts of Teaching

XVII Salon of Plastic Arts of Teaching First

Udama Art Salon 1990

Masters of Painting Exhibition in E. Media Education N ° February 1992

Show Avellaneda Illustrated Poem


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